Team America and Warped

A group of us from Warped (Cez, David, Kate, Lizzy, Ed, Rachel and I) went to see Team America last night—for free as well because Rachel works at The Filmworks. 🙂

Reactions to the film were a bit mixed, I got the feeling that most people didn’t find it all that brilliant. On the other hand, I thought it was absolutely hilarious, and summed up America’s [perceived] attitude to the rest of the world so well. The parts where they laid into both Michael More and the Film Actors Guild were also immensely amusing. I would mention a bit more about the jokes but that would spoil things for anyone who hasn’t been to see the film.

In fact, I was surprised I enjoyed it so much, because the humour was mainly crude and slapstick, whereas I tend to prefer clever and somewhat more subtle humour such as satire.

Of course, with it being a Monday it was off to the Burlington for the usual drinks. Nothing out of the ordinary happened (other than Lizzy managing to win three games of pool) until near the end when I faced the Spanish Inquisition for an innocent blog post that ended up with Tom and Jon both trying to tickle me. It was a futile gesture though, because they didn’t get any information out of me. 🙂

Anyway, it was a good laugh overall and made the first day back more bearable.

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6 thoughts on “Team America and Warped

  1. I just dont think team america held my attention for long enough, it was funny but not consistently enough for me.

  2. My problem with Team America is bit that you would assume were exaggerated and taking the piss weren’t pushed far enough.

    I appreciated the Film Actors jokes, and the cinematography jokes…but it was just a bit too close to home and not my type of humour.

  3. Hmm, by the sounds of it I’m the only person who really enjoyed it then. Ah well, I’m used to being in a minority. 🙂

  4. I’ve not seen it but don’t know whether I should be bothered. I saw South Park the movie a few years back at the cinema and after about 45 mins I got fed up of it. May wait until it’s on sky or something.

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